Frost Blue Tunic

Name Frost Blue Tunic
Status finished
Started 2023/04/12
Completed 2023/04/23
Progress 100 %
Privacy public
Notes 95% organic cotton, 5% lycra, very soft and warm fabric.
The end result was not quite what I thought. I left out the Hood on purpose. I don't like big hoods. I also saved the fabric for another project.

Users Comments

  • Mirja Liehunen

    I I added a little looseness to the sides and with it also to the hem. It might not have been necessary in hindsight.
    This fabric is not as snappy as sweatshirt fabric. It might not have been necessary in hindsight.

  • Lisa1984

    did you change the lower band? It looks looser and wider than on the picture... I do like the result!