Polar Fleece - dressing gown

Nombre Polar Fleece - dressing gown
Estado finalizado
Iniciado 01/06/2023
Completado 02/06/2023
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Notas made with fabric purchased from Spotlight in Taree, NSW Australia

I love the pattern, but it is not for a beginner, there is a piece with no clear labelling that I had to work out what it was and where it went by looking at the technical diagram.

I think the sleeves are a little short, but sadly these will have to stay as is as I have none of this fabric left.

I would make it again, would add a few inches to the length and probably the same with the sleeves.

Overall it will be perfect for the cold Aussie winter coming

I must have jinxed myself when I made this last year, two days later I was in hospital after degloving my foot in a farm accident and having to learn to walk again, but at least I had a new dressing gown for hospital!

Comentarios de los usuarios

  • Lisa1984

    turned out great!

  • Belbora

    Lol - height is an issue - I always add extra to my own height when ordering patterns for that reason. Love the finished product, but if I make it again at least I can correct these issues

  • désirée boutault

    Cela a l'air tres confortable et chaud et c'est le principal

  • Jane Riebe

    Despite the issues, it turned out nice. For some reason, Lekala seems to think everyone is 5' tall or shorter.