20s Flapper Dress

Nom 20s Flapper Dress
Statut complet
Début 30 mai 2023
Progression 100 %
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Notes Every once in a while I need to go all out on something. This was it. Silk velvet and hand beaded. Took me about a month, but I'm very happy with the results. Wore it to the Gatsby Party in Basel Switzerland Now I'm just looking for another occasion to wear it ????

Commentaires des utilisateurs

  • Lisa1984

    what an amazing dress! I am impressed by all your amazing work!

  • maxmeiko

    Thanks everyone, that's very kind...the site keep putting unintentional question marks beside all my comments, but be assured I'm very happy with all your kind words!

  • désirée boutault

    Un super travail de fou pour une réalisation trop top BRAVO

  • Newenka

    Your looks fabuleus!!!

  • KiraTF

    Gorgeous make and piece of art!Great fitting dress.Just amazing work!

  • maxmeiko

    Thanks Jane, very kind words????

  • Jane Riebe

    Wow! That's a lot of beading, and I know from experience how long it takes to do it. It turned out great. You really captured the feel of the era. Looks super nice on you!