Basic blazer

Name Basic blazer
Status finished
Started 2023/08/19
Completed 2023/01/17
Progress 100 %
Privacy public
Notes A good basic pattern for a soft-tailored jacket. I wish there had been instructions or even pattern pieces for adding more tailoring to the front, since interfacing alone didn't add the structure I was after.

The sharply-pointed lapel is tricky but I was able to get it by threading thread through the point and pulling on that to turn it. I had some minor fit issues but I think that's because I hadn't figured out the right adjustments to tell Lekala. But I should have paid more attention to the shoulder slope in the fitting stage, because that's not something Lekala adjusts for.

I should have sewn the sleeve lining to the outer at the armscye to keep everything anchored. I can't remember if the instructions tell you to do that and I forgot, or if they don't mention it.

The button is too high for my taste; I think I sewed it on a bit higher than the pattern said, but not much. I lowered the pockets a ton in the muslin stage and perhaps should have lowered the button as well. They're too shallow now but before they looked awful. Either the automatic petite-ing process doesn't work so great with the pockets, or I'm not as shortwaisted as I told Lekala I am.

Users Comments

  • AnnieE

    Thank you all for the comments and the advice!

  • KiraTF

    try 8003.Its free and pretty fitted.

  • KiraTF

    hi!fitting issues are the hardest.To understand if you're short waisted or not,just take any free fitted pattern by lekala and make it in standard size that you fit the most and correct only your height.After your make it you will have more knowledge what according to lekala you need to adjust.Post it here maybe and we can take a look and tell you how to adjust your patterns for the future.But great job on your project.I am sure you won't give up and master lekala so well that everything in a future will be a breeze to make.

  • Lisa1984

    I think I agree on the button placement, but the result is really nice!

  • désirée boutault

    vous vous en etre bien sorti quand meme
    le resultat est tres bien bravo