Wool Jacket

Naam Wool Jacket
Status in behandeling
Gestart 7 dec. 2022
Voortgang 0 %
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Notities Originally I had started to make pattern #2227. I felt that the wool I was using wasn’t heavy enough for that pattern. To salvage the beautiful fabric as best I could, I kept the two piece sleeves from number 2227. I added a lining and welt pockets to the lining. I used a bemberg for the floral lining and a heavier satin for the sleeves for more structure. I took a lot out of the waist of this jacket, and I shortened the hem as well. I didn’t feel this pattern was flattering on my frame. It was boxy like a men’s jacket. I pinned a button for the photo because I’m still deciding if I’m going to add a button closure to the jacket.

Gebruikers opmerkingen

  • Monique Rozendal

    Looks great. Also a beautiful lining.

  • Lisa1984

    i love the changes you made and how you made this your own! very nice work!

  • Guta

    You are well done. I love when people improvise. If you don’t like something, it’s better to redo something right away than to sew it on as it is and then not wear it

  • désirée boutault

    tres belle réalisation la doublure comme cela est un tres bon choix