Robe 2432

Name Robe 2432
Status abgeschlossen
Gestartet 22.06.2022
Fortschritte 100 %
Datenschutzpolitik öffentlich
Notizen J'ai pris un tissu extensible ,
devant du décolleté trop profond, donc j'ai rajouté à la fin de mon ouvrage de la dentelle pour cacher le soutiens Gorge Pas évident à l'ajuster .
les pinces poitrine trop basses.
petit sous pour la manche elle était beaucoup trop grande le contour des manches, le patron mesure devant + dos 60 Cm et le patron de la manche 88 Cm? gros problème
pour un patron sur mesure je le trouve bizarre ce n'est pourtant pas mon 1er patron un peu dessus
je le referais avec un autre tissu et le réajuster


  • Annette Bailey

    It's me again - ha! I forgot: You probably already know this, but if you wanted to eliminate the dart on your knit fabric, you could just make a gathering stitch at the side seam, gather in the dart, and then sew front to back at the side seam. If it's not a very big dart, you might not even have to gather it, just stretch the back to fit as you're sewing. One of the women who used to post a lot of reviews on Pattern Review (I think we're both out of the habit now of posting reviews) always added four inches to the front of her knit garments and then eased that in at the side seams, and that was her full bust adjustment. That's an extreme example, but just shows how much could be added in, if necessary. :o) Or if you didn't even need a dart, you could probably just slice through it and close it up. I've never tried that, though, because I use the darts. Again, I love your dress -- such a bright, cheerful color! :o)

  • Annette Bailey

    Very cute! I love your chosen fabric, and I certainly wouldn't know you had any problems at all, just looking at it - perfect! I often have the problem of a too-low neckline, as well. As for darts, I'm big busted, so I like them. The garments fit me much better and don't bag under the arms. :o)

  • désirée boutault

    Je trouve que le modele est encore mieux avec la modification

  • désirée boutault

    modele sympa

  • Jane Riebe

    I like the fabric you used; the color, as well as the print. Since it's a stretch, you probably could have made it without darts, but I'm not sure how you would adjust the pattern to make that turn out right. Personally, I HATE darts, and most "off the rack" clothes in the store don't have them. They are SO 1960s. I realize some garments absolutely must have darts but obviously the industry has found a way to design patterns so darts aren't needed. I prefer darts that are more discreet, i.e., incorporated in a seam.