Fishing vest

Name Fishing vest
Status finished
Started 2022/05/04
Completed 2022/05/09
Progress 100 %
Privacy public
Notes A fly fishing vest for my son, in a lightweight canvas. I struggled to sew the slippery trim on so my lines are not very straight, but overall I am very happy with how it turned out! The vest is a perfect fit! I did choose to leave off the pen holders as I didn't think they would be used.

Users Comments

  • Michele Pretorius

    You did such a great job! Well done

  • désirée boutault

    le reve pour tout hommes un gilet avec pleins de poches tres bien réalisées bravo

  • Newenka

    A good catch with this fishing jacket and will be appreciated by your son!

  • Pauline

    Lol! You are so right, Jane , and thank you for those comments!

  • Jane Riebe

    Wow! Nice job! As sewists, isn't it our nature to point out to the world what's "wrong" with the project we completed? Nobody would have known the lines weren't straight had you not pointed it out. Which begs the question, does it matter for fish guts? LOL! That's a pretty nice garment for fishing. Excellent job on the zippered pocket!