Spring woven jean Jacket

Nom Spring woven jean Jacket
Statut complet
Début 28 avr. 2022
Complet 29 avr. 2022
Progression 100 %
Confidentialité public
Notes I really like the style of this jacket. I did change the sleeves to eliminate the cuffs, as I prefer a straight sleeve. I find the sleeves a little tight on this pattern. The collar was too short for the overlapping front and button up, which shows on the pattern, and I was a bit disappointed with that. I messed up the zipper a bit...hence the butterfly to cover it up :) ! Still, I will wear it, but maybe not as much as I hoped to.

Commentaires des utilisateurs

  • Pauline

    Thank you for your kind comments !

  • Jane Riebe

    Despite the difficulties you had, your jacket turned out nice. I notice MANY sewists comment on sleeves on these patterns being a bit tight. We're all creative when it comes to addressing our little mess ups...

  • désirée boutault

    tres sympa et bonne idée le papillon cela ne choque pas du tout