The Gatsby Dress

Nombre The Gatsby Dress
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Iniciado 08/04/2022
Completado 16/04/2022
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Notas I had wanted to use this pattern for quite some time but it seemed that I could just not decide on what fabric to use. And then I found this amazing black jersey with golden feathers and knew immediately: this had to become a flapper-inspired, glamorous dress (yet extremely comfortable).

However, though I really love the end result, I had to change a lot first. The cleavage went right down to the middle of my breasts, you could see most of my bra. So I stitched some parts together, now it looks more like a triangle but it now covers everything that it is supposed to cover. I also had to make the dress a good deal narrower and add darts. Here, the problem might have been my choice of fabric, though. It says "non-stretchy" in the instructions, so this might be the reason why it was too wide.

Also, this dress would have been even a few cms shorter, than in my version, so I recommend adding some length if you do not like mini-dresses.

In addition, I exchanged the sleeves with my favorite ones (pattern #5373) I think they make the dress appear a bit more fancy (and I just love them). The button doesn't really have any function, as the fabric is quite stretchy, I just sew the left and right part together. And I added fringes at the bottom to make it look more flapper-like.

Now I only have to find a good occasion to wear this dress :)

Comentarios de los usuarios

  • Andrea

    Merci, Désirée and thank you, Lisa! :) I am happy you like it!

  • Lisa1984

    you made some great adjustments and the final result is very very nice! love that fabric too!

  • désirée boutault

    le resultat est pas mal au final les franges lui donnent un autre style