Dress Jolly Day by the Sea

Nombre Dress Jolly Day by the Sea
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Iniciado 20/03/2022
Completado 20/03/2022
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Notas Sometimes life is just complicated, so I really longed for something not so complicated to sew. And for this purpose, I can really recommend this pattern. It was done in one day, is nice fitting and I think the different patterns of the two fabrics make it look like fun and a relaxed holiday by the sea.

The overall fit is great, I only had to amend the hip area a bit, since there was a "bump". But it might as well have been my fault, as I lost quite some weight and might have gotten my new measurements wrong... I also shortened the sleeves and finished them with cuffs. And shortened the whole dress by about 15cm, it would have ended right below my knee, but I prefer mini-dresses.
And of course, I could not resist adding a bow ;)

Comentarios de los usuarios

  • Andrea

    Thank you, Astrid :)

  • Astrid Herrera

    Lovely, i like your fabric, and the little bow gives it a cute personal touch, great work! :)

  • Andrea

    Thank you Jane and Désirée!
    And Jane, this is a great idea, it would be perfect with leggings underneath: still very feminin but you don't have to pay attention to sitting lady-like all the time ;) I will have to get matching ones!

  • désirée boutault

    modele sympa

  • Jane Riebe

    Super nice! It would also be perfect to wear over leggins... for those of us who like to cover our derierre when wearing leggins...