cordouroy coat with flannel lining

姓名 cordouroy coat with flannel lining
状态 已完成
开始 2022-3-14
完成 2022-3-17
进度 100 %
隐私 公开
笔记 Overall very happy with this coat! Note that for some reason the front centre part was shorter on the pattern than the other pieces, meaning I could barely use a 22" zipper on the front. The lining was also too short so I had to add a strip on the bottom. Next time I will add length.


  • Pauline

    Thank you for your comments! I am a new sewer and have lots to learn!

  • désirée boutault

    Le resultat est tres bien et le choix du velours tres approprié pour ce modele

  • Jane Riebe

    Looks very professionally done! Something a little different from what we normally see here.

  • Newenka

    Super cool man as a model! Could it be that a stretchy edge had to be used on the shortest part of the jacket? Some patterns sometimes don't give a clear explanation of what might be the reason you were short of fabric.
    Still, the jacket turned out beautiful and looks good on it!