Work shirt with gold shimmer

姓名 Work shirt with gold shimmer
状态 已完成
开始 2022-2-25
完成 2022-2-28
进度 100 %
隐私 公开


  • Belbora

    Hi, made this from a crinkle fabric purchased from Spotlight in our local town of Taree (Australia)

    It was a remnant piece from the clearance table - I didn't see the fabric my husband saw it and wanted me to make a shirt. Lovely fit

    This fabric was only $2 AU per metre, had been marked down from $20 per metre. great buy and perfect for working from home and zoom meetings

  • JdT

    This is beautiful. Please add pattern review if you have time

  • Lisa1984


  • Belbora

    @désirée boutault thankyou

  • désirée boutault

    très joli chemisier ce plissé lui donne un air très chic