
Name Тор
Status finished
Started 2021/10/15
Completed 2021/10/22
Progress 100 %
Privacy public
Notes Выкройка огромная, очень длинная и очень широкая.Пришлось ушивать рукав бока и укорачивать. Застежку я не делала и изменила рукав. Мне нравится . Ношу уже пару месяцев и много комплиментов.

Users Comments

  • fqbgwthly

    beautiful job ! I love it!

  • Anne-Marie Dionne

    This is a lovely colour! The pleats are really well done.

  • JdT

    What is your fabric? Is it some kind of jersey? Did you have to adapt this pattern to stretchy fabric?

  • JdT

    Super Nice! Omitting buttons and changing sleeves removed that little country feeling the original one had any is somehow became more elegant

  • désirée boutault

    tres belle blouse avec ces petits plis qui donnent un coté romantique

  • Newenka

    Very nice blouse and color. I love this!