Test Shirt Green Woven.

Nombre Test Shirt Green Woven.
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Iniciado 13/02/2022
Completado 13/02/2022
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Notas I am sewing up my stash, which makes me happy. This shirt was a mockup, that turned into a wearable mock up. I look forward to wearing it all summer.

Things to note:
The armholes are in the correct position! Choosing a high waist height moved the armholes to the place I need them to draft. I did not need to take an inch out of the armhole region front and back like I have had to do for the last year.

There were a couple of drafting issues. The pleats did not work as drafted. The front did not fit into the back. And the back facing was not drafted correctly. It was 2” smaller than the back of the shirt and did not match the neckline and shoulder curve. I made a pleat in the back and split the facing up the middle. Then I top stitched the facing flaps down. I will redraft the back facing for the next shirt. I will also draft some armhole facings, mostly because I prefer garments with facings.

The top stitching spot for the front facing is an inch below the bust line. This, unfortunately, makes the top gape open. I have cleavage lol. I top stitched the opening closed so I am not flashing the world. On the next top I will likely raise the v neck point. It isn’t bad; it just doesn’t fit my needs.

I may lengthen this top an inch. It isn’t bad; it just doesn’t quite sit where I prefer my tops to end. Still, really close and a great start.

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