
Name Shorts
Status abgeschlossen
Gestartet 03.01.2022
Abgeschlossen 06.01.2022
Fortschritte 0 %
Datenschutzpolitik öffentlich
Notizen I enjoyed making these.
The pattern size was perfect. It's wonderful being able to use patterns that fit!

The only part that was tricky, for me, was the patch pocket, I had to look up how to do them. So I learned about the mitre corner and how the flap would be able to cover the unfinished.


  • Jane Riebe

    Looks like you did a great job on them! ...and thanks for making me think about I headed out into 15 degree (-9 celsius) weather, this morning. Like you, I really appreciate being able to get a pretty good fit with Lekala patterns.

  • désirée boutault

    tres joli résultat