3/4 Jeans

Название 3/4 Jeans
Статус закончен
Дата начала 05 мая 2015 г.
Дата окончания 07 мая 2015 г.
Статус 100 %
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Заметки 6th MAY:
Just finished assembling the panels, it wouldn't have taken so long if I had been making a traditional jeans style but I liked the panels in this pattern. This was just going to be a practise run for when I make my reclaimed denim version of this pattern but as I have sat sewing it dawned on me that even though the print is a trifle silly I will still wear them so here we have my Bart Simpson curtain to 3/4 jeans project :D
I am not adding the patch pocket to this pair.

I used this video to show me the way to do the front pocket

this for the fly

and this series for general construction

almost complete just need to do waistband an hems, however I have a bit of a dilemma. The pants fit OK (need to put bigger darts in the back) but the waist is lower than I am comfortable with. I'm not sure whether to finish them as they are or make a new waistband a bit deeper than the original, I know that isn't the correct way to fix the problem but if it makes them wearable it works for me.

hoping for the sun to shine tomorrow so I can wear them and hopefully get a half decent pic.
I went with making a deeper waistband but I made it too deep, I am adding 2.5cm to the original waistband on the next pair

Комментарии пользователей

  • Kookie Cottonreel

    Thanks Helen, I have recycled denim ones and some made of upholstery fabric now too.

  • Helen Wilson

    Very nice job on these. Can't wait to see another fabric version. Sew on! LOL