
Name Zig-Zag
Status abgeschlossen
Gestartet 13.10.2021
Abgeschlossen 17.10.2021
Fortschritte 100 %
Datenschutzpolitik öffentlich
Notizen I am happy with the finished product, just a little disappointed with the amount of alterations that I had to make to the pattern.

I made the skirt 12cm longer and cut it a bit more A-line than pencil. - This was just personal preference.

The neckline is a lot wider than the technical drawing, be aware of changing that if you don't want your bra straps to stick out.

Once finished the body was too long. I took off 3 cm at the shoulders. So I was grateful for the extra length I added. I must admit it did help the the neck that was still too wide for my liking. Redoing the neck facing was a pain thou.....

The material is good quality poly-cotton, and I love the print. Lining this up was a little bit challenging as the print was not perfectly symmetrical- but turned out well.


  • Nicola Olivier

    @ Maria- I think I spent more time on that than sewing the dress, I was so worried I was going to end up with arrows pointing at inappropriate body parts....

  • Nicola Olivier

    Thanks Ladies!

    @ JdT-Before Kira TF mentioned it I had never seen it, but there is a section "About this Pattern" there it says: Digital pattern by Sewist CAD
    Of the others are by LEKO. Now that I have gone back to look non of the patters I have bought are Lekala patterns..... Suddenly it makes sense why all the dresses have not fit that well... ( I wanted to believe I had lost weight-HA HA)

    @ Jane Riebe - Thank you for confirming a thought I have been toying with. I don't know if I would call myself a novice sewists..... but I am thinking of making a pattern block with my own measurements and working off that in the future.....

  • Maria

    You have done very well with all the pattern placement on this dress, it really stands out!

  • désirée boutault

    le rsultat est genial
    bravo pour l'ajustement des motifs qui donne à la robe un style original

  • Jane Riebe

    For the many reasons you cited, I don't feel Lekala patterns are good for novice sewists. There are measurements about and beyond what Lekala asks for that would be helpful in getting a better fit including but not limited to: shoulder to waist measurement; crotch depth; and shoulder width. You can only specify if some measurements are normal or otherwise but what is "normal". In spite of the many alterations you had to make, your dress turned out fine.

  • JdT

    Hello! Thank you, good to know!
    I almost always face this many issues but I assumed that I just never manage to take my measurements properly haha. I was not aware you had pattern of other brand in this website. What brand you mean? I don’t understand

  • Nicola Olivier

    Thank you!

    That is a interesting observation...I have never looked, I always just assumed all the patterns I get threw Lekala are Lekala patterns using the measurements I put in.... I will look out for that in the future.

  • KiraTF

    This is beautiful dress.Great job on alterations.But when its not pattern by lekala its always full of alterations.This is why i am shopping only for lekala brand where you can make additional measurements to make sure the fit is perfect