Blue shirt

Name Blue shirt
Status finished
Started 2021/10/14
Completed 2021/10/14
Progress 100 %
Privacy public
Notes I've made this shirt before, but as my measurements have changed I ordered the pattern again.

I forgot to measure my hips over the trousers I planned to wear it with (I prefer to do this with Lekala's fitted or semi-fitted styles, just my preference), so I ended up adding a little bit of extra ease to the hips at the side seams. I made no other changes.

The fabric is a light-to-medium weight linen. If you've made a shirt with a stand collar before, it shouldn't be too hard to make. You really need to keep track of what goes left and what goes right though.

My shirt got a compliment from a total stranger, so it must be a good-looking shirt!

Users Comments

  • fqbgwthly

    wow it looks like your shirt should be on the cover! Great job ! I had considered a linen with wooden buttons, and I just love yours, it looks fabulous!

  • Carolyn Begg

    This is a lovely linen shirt. Well done. I am about to order the pattern thanks to you!

  • Anne-Marie Dionne

    I love this pattern! I was just looking at your other one (the purple one) and I can not decided which on is best. They are both so stylish.

  • désirée boutault

    tres jolie chemise avec ces boutons qu 'ils lui donne un style

  • Maria

    Those covered buttons make this look really professional, a lovely shirt.
    A compliment from a stranger must confirm that this looks good!

  • Jane Riebe

    That turned out really nice!