
Name Before-after
Status abgeschlossen
Gestartet 21.09.2021
Abgeschlossen 09.01.2022
Fortschritte 100 %
Datenschutzpolitik öffentlich
Notizen This dress I made in post partum for a wedding. I have lost 10 kilos since and I want to take it apart, replace and recut pattern pieces and put it together again. Also I want to make a neck and armhole facing and fix neckline gaping issue I had on the original one. I will replace front panel because I have stretched out the neckline.
I have already unpicked significant part of this. I put a few before pictures already.
Finally finished, fits well. I also had to lift the waistband by 4 cms.
I am happy:) this is my first successful piece in a very long time


  • Newenka

    I already told you... you will make it! Nice and a lot of work to make changes with this fabric, but you can be proud of the end result!

  • Jane Riebe

    I really like your dress! Are you sure it wouldn't be easier to get a pattern with your current measurements and just remake the dress? Personally, I really dislike doing alterations after the garment is made, i.e., I don't mind making adjustments to a pattern as I'm making it. BTW, you look great!!!!

  • Newenka

    Those things just happen sometimes…then thicker then thinner. It takes a lot of work but you can be sure that you will succeed!

  • JdT

    Merci Désirée, comme la décolleté est trop lâche l’idée est de démonter toute la robe et remplacer le panel central, créer un « facing » et reconstruire la robe plus petite. Je vais seulement garder la devant de ceinture avec le passepoil ensemble, et le zip, le reste je dois ouvrir. Je vais mettre des photos

  • désirée boutault

    certes le modele est tres beau mais c'est vrai que cela se voit que vous avez perdu du poids ,mais je pense qu'elle vous ira tres bien une fois que vous ferez les ajustements